use super::{Context, CONTEXT};
use crate::runtime::{scheduler, TryCurrentError};
use crate::util::markers::SyncNotSend;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub(crate) struct SetCurrentGuard {
// The previous handle
prev: Option<scheduler::Handle>,
// The depth for this guard
depth: usize,
// Don't let the type move across threads.
_p: PhantomData<SyncNotSend>,
pub(super) struct HandleCell {
/// Current handle
handle: RefCell<Option<scheduler::Handle>>,
/// Tracks the number of nested calls to `try_set_current`.
depth: Cell<usize>,
/// Sets this [`Handle`] as the current active [`Handle`].
/// [`Handle`]: crate::runtime::scheduler::Handle
pub(crate) fn try_set_current(handle: &scheduler::Handle) -> Option<SetCurrentGuard> {
CONTEXT.try_with(|ctx| ctx.set_current(handle)).ok()
pub(crate) fn with_current<F, R>(f: F) -> Result<R, TryCurrentError>
F: FnOnce(&scheduler::Handle) -> R,
match CONTEXT.try_with(|ctx| ctx.current.handle.borrow().as_ref().map(f)) {
Ok(Some(ret)) => Ok(ret),
Ok(None) => Err(TryCurrentError::new_no_context()),
Err(_access_error) => Err(TryCurrentError::new_thread_local_destroyed()),
impl Context {
pub(super) fn set_current(&self, handle: &scheduler::Handle) -> SetCurrentGuard {
let old_handle = self.current.handle.borrow_mut().replace(handle.clone());
let depth = self.current.depth.get();
assert!(depth != usize::MAX, "reached max `enter` depth");
let depth = depth + 1;
SetCurrentGuard {
prev: old_handle,
_p: PhantomData,
impl HandleCell {
pub(super) const fn new() -> HandleCell {
HandleCell {
handle: RefCell::new(None),
depth: Cell::new(0),
impl Drop for SetCurrentGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
CONTEXT.with(|ctx| {
let depth = ctx.current.depth.get();
if depth != self.depth {
if !std::thread::panicking() {
"`EnterGuard` values dropped out of order. Guards returned by \
`tokio::runtime::Handle::enter()` must be dropped in the reverse \
order as they were acquired."
} else {
// Just return... this will leave handles in a wonky state though...
*ctx.current.handle.borrow_mut() = self.prev.take();
ctx.current.depth.set(depth - 1);