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//! Common code generated parts, used by this crate.
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
/// Generate the code resolving some [GraphQL type][1] in a synchronous manner.
/// Value of a [GraphQL type][1] should be stored in a `res` binding in the generated code, before
/// including this piece of code.
/// [1]:
pub(crate) fn sync_resolving_code() -> TokenStream {
quote! {
::juniper::IntoResolvable::into_resolvable(res, executor.context())
.and_then(|res| match res {
::core::option::Option::Some((ctx, r)) => {
executor.replaced_context(ctx).resolve_with_ctx(info, &r)
::core::option::Option::None => {
/// Generate the code resolving some [GraphQL type][1] in an asynchronous manner.
/// Value of a [GraphQL type][1] should be resolvable with `fut` binding representing a [`Future`]
/// in the generated code, before including this piece of code.
/// Optional `ty` argument may be used to annotate a concrete type of the resolving
/// [GraphQL type][1] (the [`Future::Output`]).
/// [`Future`]: std::future::Future
/// [`Future::Output`]: std::future::Future::Output
/// [1]:
pub(crate) fn async_resolving_code(ty: Option<&syn::Type>) -> TokenStream {
let ty =|t| quote! { : #t });
quote! {
::std::boxed::Box::pin(::juniper::futures::FutureExt::then(fut, move |res #ty| async move {
match ::juniper::IntoResolvable::into_resolvable(res, executor.context())? {
::core::option::Option::Some((ctx, r)) => {
let subexec = executor.replaced_context(ctx);
subexec.resolve_with_ctx_async(info, &r).await
::core::option::Option::None => {