use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::Write;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddrV4};
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Output};
use std::time::Duration;
use base64ct::Encoding as _;
use brane_cfg::backend::{BackendFile, Credentials};
use brane_cfg::info::Info as _;
use brane_cfg::infra::{InfraFile, InfraLocation};
use brane_cfg::node::{
self, CentralConfig, CentralPaths, CentralServices, ExternalService, NodeConfig, NodeSpecificConfig, PrivateOrExternalService, PrivateService,
ProxyPaths, ProxyServices, PublicService, WorkerConfig, WorkerPaths, WorkerServices, WorkerUsecase,
use brane_cfg::proxy::{self, ForwardConfig};
use brane_shr::fs::{DownloadSecurity, set_executable};
use console::style;
use diesel::{Connection as _, SqliteConnection};
use diesel_migrations::{FileBasedMigrations, MigrationHarness as _};
use enum_debug::EnumDebug as _;
use jsonwebtoken::jwk::{self, Jwk, JwkSet, KeyAlgorithm, OctetKeyParameters, OctetKeyType, PublicKeyUse};
use log::{debug, info, warn};
use rand::Rng as _;
use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use serde::Serialize;
use specifications::address::Address;
use specifications::package::Capability;
use specifications::policy::generate_policy_token;
use tempfile::TempDir;
pub use crate::errors::GenerateError as Error;
use crate::spec::{GenerateBackendSubcommand, GenerateCertsSubcommand, GenerateNodeSubcommand, Pair};
use crate::utils::resolve_config_path;
const CFSSL_BIN: &[u8] = include_bytes!(env!("CFSSL_PATH"));
const CFSSLJSON_BIN: &[u8] = include_bytes!(env!("CFSSLJSON_PATH"));
fn ensure_dir_of(path: impl AsRef<Path>, fix_dirs: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
let dir: &Path = match path.parent() {
Some(dir) => dir,
None => {
panic!("Cannot ensure directory of '{}' which has no parent (did you mean to use `ensure_dir()`?)", path.display());
if !dir.exists() {
if !fix_dirs {
return Err(Error::DirNotFound { path: dir.into() });
if let Err(err) = fs::create_dir_all(dir) {
return Err(Error::DirCreateError { path: dir.into(), err });
if !dir.is_dir() {
return Err(Error::DirNotADir { path: dir.into() });
fn ensure_dir(path: impl AsRef<Path>, fix_dirs: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
if !path.exists() {
if !fix_dirs {
return Err(Error::DirNotFound { path: path.into() });
if let Err(err) = fs::create_dir_all(path) {
return Err(Error::DirCreateError { path: path.into(), err });
if !path.is_dir() {
return Err(Error::DirNotADir { path: path.into() });
fn canonicalize(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
match path.canonicalize() {
Ok(path) => Ok(path),
Err(err) => Err(Error::CanonicalizeError { path: path.into(), err }),
fn beautify_id(id: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
let id: String = id.as_ref().replace(['-', '_'], " ");
let id: String = id
.split(' ')
.map(|w| {
if !w.is_empty() {
let mut chars = w.chars();
format!("{}{}",, chars.collect::<String>())
} else {
.join(" ");
fn write_node_header(writer: &mut impl Write) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
writeln!(writer, "# NODE.yml")?;
writeln!(writer, "# generated by branectl v{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
writeln!(writer, "# This file defines the environment of the local node.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# Edit this file to change service properties. Some require a restart")?;
writeln!(writer, "# of the service (typically any 'ports' or 'topics' related setting), but most")?;
writeln!(writer, "# will be reloaded dynamically by the services themselves.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
writeln!(writer, "# For an overview of what you can do in this file, refer to")?;
writeln!(writer, "#")?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
fn write_infra_header(writer: &mut impl Write) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
writeln!(writer, "# INFRA.yml")?;
writeln!(writer, "# generated by branectl v{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
writeln!(writer, "# This file defines the nodes part of this Brane instance.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# Edit this file to change the location of nodes and relevant services.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# This file is loaded lazily, so changing it typically does not require a")?;
writeln!(writer, "# restart.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
writeln!(writer, "# For an overview of what you can do in this file, refer to")?;
writeln!(writer, "#")?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
fn write_backend_header(writer: &mut impl Write) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
writeln!(writer, "# BACKEND.yml")?;
writeln!(writer, "# generated by branectl v{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
writeln!(writer, "# This file defines how the delegate service may connect to the compute backend.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# Edit this file to change how, where and with what credentials to connect. You")?;
writeln!(writer, "# can also use it to define properties advertised about the backend for this")?;
writeln!(writer, "# domain.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# This file is loaded lazily, so changing it typically does not require a")?;
writeln!(writer, "# restart.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
writeln!(writer, "# For an overview of what you can do in this file, refer to")?;
writeln!(writer, "#")?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
fn write_proxy_header(writer: &mut impl Write) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
writeln!(writer, "# PROXY.yml")?;
writeln!(writer, "# generated by branectl v{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
writeln!(writer, "# This file defines the settings for the proxy service on this node.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# This file is loaded eagerly, so changing it requires a restart of the proxy")?;
writeln!(writer, "# service itself.")?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
writeln!(writer, "# For an overview of what you can do in this file, refer to")?;
writeln!(writer, "#")?;
writeln!(writer, "# ")?;
fn generate_config(what: impl Display, config: impl Serialize, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
info!("Generating {}...", what);
let sconfig: String = match serde_json::to_string_pretty(&config) {
Ok(sconfig) => sconfig,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::ConfigSerializeError { err });
let dir: Option<&Path> = path.parent();
if let Some(dir) = dir {
if !dir.exists() {
return Err(Error::DirNotFound { path: dir.into() });
debug!("Opening output file '{}'...", path.display());
let mut handle: File = match File::create(path) {
Ok(handle) => handle,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::FileCreateError { what: "config", path: path.into(), err });
if let Err(err) = write!(handle, "{sconfig}") {
return Err(Error::FileWriteError { what: "config", path: path.into(), err });
fn extract_cfssl(path: impl AsRef<Path>, cfssljson: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
if let Err(err) = fs::write(path, if !cfssljson { CFSSL_BIN } else { CFSSLJSON_BIN }) {
return Err(Error::ExtractError { what: if !cfssljson { "cfssl" } else { "cfssljson" }, path: path.into(), err });
if let Err(err) = set_executable(path) {
return Err(Error::ExecutableError { err: Box::new(err) });
fn generate_ca_cert(cfssl: impl AsRef<Path>, cfssljson: impl AsRef<Path>, ca_csr: impl AsRef<Path>, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let cfssl: &Path = cfssl.as_ref();
let cfssljson: &Path = cfssljson.as_ref();
let ca_csr: &Path = ca_csr.as_ref();
let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
info!("Generating CA certificate...");
let mut cmd: Command = Command::new("bash");
cmd.arg(format!("\"{}\" gencert -initca \"{}\" | \"{}\" -bare \"{}\"", cfssl.display(), ca_csr.display(), cfssljson.display(), path.display()));
debug!("CA certificate generation command: {:?}", cmd);
let output: Output = match cmd.output() {
Ok(output) => output,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::SpawnError { cmd, err });
if !output.status.success() {
return Err(Error::SpawnFailure { cmd, status: output.status, err: String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).into() });
fn generate_client_server_cert(
profile: impl AsRef<str>,
exes: CfsslExecutables<impl AsRef<Path>, impl AsRef<Path>>,
ca_cert: impl AsRef<Path>,
ca_key: impl AsRef<Path>,
ca_config: impl AsRef<Path>,
csr_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
path: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let profile: &str = profile.as_ref();
let cfssl: &Path = exes.cfssl.as_ref();
let cfssljson: &Path = exes.cfssljson.as_ref();
let ca_cert: &Path = ca_cert.as_ref();
let ca_key: &Path = ca_key.as_ref();
let ca_config: &Path = ca_config.as_ref();
let csr_file: &Path = csr_file.as_ref();
let path: &Path = path.as_ref();
info!("Generating {} certificate...", profile);
let mut cmd: Command = Command::new("bash");
"\"{}\" gencert -ca=\"{}\" -ca-key=\"{}\" -config=\"{}\" -profile={} \"{}\" | \"{}\" -bare \"{}\"",
debug!("{} certificate generation command: {:?}", profile, cmd);
let output: Output = match cmd.output() {
Ok(output) => output,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::SpawnError { cmd, err });
if !output.status.success() {
return Err(Error::SpawnFailure { cmd, status: output.status, err: String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).into() });
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct CfsslExecutables<P1, P2> {
cfssl: P1,
cfssljson: P2,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
struct CfsslCaConfig {
signing: CfsslCaConfigSigning,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
struct CfsslCaConfigSigning {
default: CfsslCaConfigDefault,
profiles: HashMap<String, CfsslCaConfigProfile>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
struct CfsslCaConfigDefault {
expiry: String,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
struct CfsslCaConfigProfile {
usages: Vec<String>,
expiry: String,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
struct CfsslCaCsr {
#[serde(rename = "CN")]
cn: String,
key: CfsslCsrKey,
names: Vec<HashMap<String, String>>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
struct CfsslClientServerCsr {
#[serde(rename = "CN")]
cn: String,
hosts: Vec<String>,
key: CfsslCsrKey,
names: Vec<HashMap<String, String>>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
struct CfsslCsrKey {
algo: String,
size: usize,
pub fn node(
path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
hosts: Vec<Pair<String, ':', IpAddr>>,
fix_dirs: bool,
config_path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
command: GenerateNodeSubcommand,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: PathBuf = path.into();
let config_path: PathBuf = config_path.into();
info!("Generating node.yml for a {}...", match &command {
GenerateNodeSubcommand::Central { .. } => {
"central node".into()
GenerateNodeSubcommand::Worker { location_id, .. } => {
format!("worker node with location ID '{location_id}'")
GenerateNodeSubcommand::Proxy { .. } => {
"proxy node".into()
let hosts: HashMap<String, IpAddr> = {
let mut res: HashMap<String, IpAddr> = HashMap::with_capacity(hosts.len());
for pair in hosts {
if res.insert(pair.0.clone(), pair.1).is_some() {
warn!("Duplicate IP given for hostname '{}': using only {}", pair.0, pair.1);
debug!("Generating node config...");
let node_config: NodeConfig = match command {
GenerateNodeSubcommand::Central {
} => {
let mut hostname: &str = &hostname;
if let Some(pos) = hostname.find("://") {
hostname = &hostname[pos + 3..];
hostname = hostname.split(':').next().unwrap();
hostname = hostname.split('/').next().unwrap();
let infra: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(infra, &config_path);
let proxy: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(proxy, &config_path);
let certs: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(certs, &config_path);
ensure_dir_of(&infra, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir_of(&proxy, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&certs, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&packages, fix_dirs)?;
NodeConfig {
hostnames: hosts,
namespace: "brane-central".into(),
node: NodeSpecificConfig::Central(CentralConfig {
paths: CentralPaths {
certs: canonicalize(certs)?,
packages: canonicalize(packages)?,
infra: canonicalize(infra)?,
proxy: if external_proxy.is_some() { None } else { Some(canonicalize(proxy)?) },
services: CentralServices {
api: PublicService {
name: api_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), api_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("http://{api_name}"), api_port),
external_address: Address::Hostname(format!("http://{hostname}"), api_port),
drv: PublicService {
name: drv_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), drv_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("grpc://{drv_name}"), drv_port),
external_address: Address::Hostname(format!("grpc://{hostname}"), drv_port),
plr: PrivateService {
name: plr_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), plr_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("http://{plr_name}"), plr_port),
prx: if let Some(address) = external_proxy {
PrivateOrExternalService::External(ExternalService { address })
} else {
PrivateOrExternalService::Private(PrivateService {
name: prx_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), prx_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("http://{prx_name}"), prx_port),
aux_scylla: PrivateService {
name: "aux-scylla".into(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), 9042).into(),
address: Address::Hostname("aux-scylla".into(), 9042),
GenerateNodeSubcommand::Worker {
} => {
let mut hostname: &str = &hostname;
if let Some(pos) = hostname.find("://") {
hostname = &hostname[pos + 3..];
hostname = hostname.split(':').next().unwrap();
hostname = hostname.split('/').next().unwrap();
let prx_name: String = prx_name.replace("$LOCATION", &location_id);
let reg_name: String = reg_name.replace("$LOCATION", &location_id);
let job_name: String = job_name.replace("$LOCATION", &location_id);
let chk_name: String = chk_name.replace("$LOCATION", &location_id);
let backend: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(backend, &config_path);
let policy_deliberation_secret: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(policy_deliberation_secret, &config_path);
let policy_expert_secret: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(policy_expert_secret, &config_path);
let policy_audit_log: Option<PathBuf> =|p| resolve_config_path(p, &config_path));
let proxy: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(proxy, &config_path);
let certs: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(certs, &config_path);
ensure_dir_of(&backend, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir_of(&policy_database, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir_of(&policy_deliberation_secret, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir_of(&policy_expert_secret, fix_dirs)?;
if let Some(policy_audit_log) = &policy_audit_log {
ensure_dir_of(policy_audit_log, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir_of(&proxy, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&certs, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&packages, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&data, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&results, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&temp_data, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&temp_results, fix_dirs)?;
NodeConfig {
hostnames: hosts,
namespace: format!("brane-worker-{location_id}"),
node: NodeSpecificConfig::Worker(WorkerConfig {
name: location_id,
usecases: use_cases.into_iter().map(|p| (p.0, WorkerUsecase { api: p.1 })).collect(),
paths: WorkerPaths {
certs: canonicalize(certs)?,
packages: canonicalize(packages)?,
backend: canonicalize(backend)?,
policy_database: canonicalize(policy_database)?,
policy_deliberation_secret: canonicalize(policy_deliberation_secret)?,
policy_expert_secret: canonicalize(policy_expert_secret)?,
proxy: if external_proxy.is_some() { None } else { Some(canonicalize(proxy)?) },
data: canonicalize(data)?,
results: canonicalize(results)?,
temp_data: canonicalize(temp_data)?,
temp_results: canonicalize(temp_results)?,
services: WorkerServices {
reg: PublicService {
name: reg_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), reg_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("https://{reg_name}"), reg_port),
external_address: Address::Hostname(format!("https://{hostname}"), reg_port),
job: PublicService {
name: job_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), job_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("grpc://{job_name}"), job_port),
external_address: Address::Hostname(format!("grpc://{hostname}"), job_port),
chk: PrivateService {
name: chk_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), chk_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("http://{chk_name}"), chk_port),
prx: if let Some(address) = external_proxy {
PrivateOrExternalService::External(ExternalService { address })
} else {
PrivateOrExternalService::Private(PrivateService {
name: prx_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), prx_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("http://{prx_name}"), prx_port),
GenerateNodeSubcommand::Proxy { hostname, proxy, certs, prx_name, prx_port } => {
let mut hostname: &str = &hostname;
if let Some(pos) = hostname.find("://") {
hostname = &hostname[pos + 3..];
hostname = hostname.split(':').next().unwrap();
hostname = hostname.split('/').next().unwrap();
let proxy: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(proxy, &config_path);
let certs: PathBuf = resolve_config_path(certs, &config_path);
ensure_dir_of(&proxy, fix_dirs)?;
ensure_dir(&certs, fix_dirs)?;
NodeConfig {
hostnames: hosts,
namespace: "brane-proxy".into(),
node: NodeSpecificConfig::Proxy(node::ProxyConfig {
paths: ProxyPaths { proxy: canonicalize(proxy)?, certs: canonicalize(certs)? },
services: ProxyServices {
prx: PublicService {
name: prx_name.clone(),
bind: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0), prx_port).into(),
address: Address::Hostname(format!("http://{prx_name}"), prx_port),
external_address: Address::Hostname(format!("http://{hostname}"), prx_port),
debug!("Writing to '{}'...", path.display());
let mut handle: File = match File::create(&path) {
Ok(handle) => handle,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::FileCreateError { what: "node.yml", path, err });
if let Err(err) = write_node_header(&mut handle) {
return Err(Error::FileHeaderWriteError { what: "infra.yml", path, err });
if let Err(err) = node_config.to_writer(handle, true) {
return Err(Error::FileBodyWriteError { what: "infra.yml", path, err });
println!("Successfully generated {}", style(path.display().to_string()).bold().green());
pub async fn certs(fix_dirs: bool, path: impl Into<PathBuf>, temp_dir: impl Into<PathBuf>, mut kind: GenerateCertsSubcommand) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: PathBuf = path.into();
let temp_dir: PathBuf = temp_dir.into();
info!("Generating {} certificates for {} @ {} to '{}'...", kind.variant(), kind.location_id(), kind.hostname(), path.display());
if !path.exists() {
if !fix_dirs {
return Err(Error::DirNotFound { path });
debug!("Creating missing '{}' directory (fix_dirs == true)...", path.display());
if let Err(err) = fs::create_dir_all(&path) {
return Err(Error::DirCreateError { path, err });
} else if !path.is_dir() {
return Err(Error::DirNotADir { path });
let cfssl_path: PathBuf = temp_dir.join("cfssl");
if cfssl_path.exists() {
if !cfssl_path.is_file() {
return Err(Error::FileNotAFile { path: cfssl_path });
debug!("'{}' already exists", cfssl_path.display());
} else {
debug!("'{}' does not exist, extracting...", cfssl_path.display());
extract_cfssl(&cfssl_path, false)?;
let cfssljson_path: PathBuf = temp_dir.join("cfssljson");
if cfssljson_path.exists() {
if !cfssljson_path.is_file() {
return Err(Error::FileNotAFile { path: cfssljson_path });
debug!("'{}' already exists", cfssljson_path.display());
} else {
debug!("'{}' does not exist, extracting...", cfssljson_path.display());
extract_cfssl(&cfssljson_path, true)?;
let ca_config_path: PathBuf = temp_dir.join("ca-config.json");
if ca_config_path.exists() {
if !ca_config_path.is_file() {
return Err(Error::FileNotAFile { path: ca_config_path });
debug!("'{}' already exists", ca_config_path.display());
} else {
debug!("'{}' does not exist, generating...", ca_config_path.display());
"CA config",
CfsslCaConfig {
signing: CfsslCaConfigSigning {
default: CfsslCaConfigDefault { expiry: "8760h".into() },
profiles: HashMap::from([
("server".into(), CfsslCaConfigProfile {
usages: vec!["signing".into(), "key encipherment".into(), "server auth".into()],
expiry: "8760h".into(),
("client".into(), CfsslCaConfigProfile {
usages: vec!["signing".into(), "key encipherment".into(), "client auth".into()],
expiry: "8760h".into(),
let id: String = rand::thread_rng().sample_iter(Alphanumeric).map(char::from).take(3).collect::<String>();
match &kind {
GenerateCertsSubcommand::Server { location_id, hostname } => {
let ca_csr_path: PathBuf = temp_dir.join(format!("ca-csr-{id}.json"));
debug!("Generating '{}'...", ca_csr_path.display());
"CA CSR config",
CfsslCaCsr {
cn: location_id.clone(),
key: CfsslCsrKey { algo: "rsa".into(), size: 4096 },
names: vec![HashMap::from([("".into(), "".into())])],
let server_csr_path: PathBuf = temp_dir.join(format!("server-csr-{id}.json"));
debug!("Generating '{}'...", server_csr_path.display());
"server CSR config",
CfsslClientServerCsr {
cn: location_id.clone(),
hosts: vec![hostname.clone()],
key: CfsslCsrKey { algo: "rsa".into(), size: 4096 },
names: vec![HashMap::from([("".into(), "".into())])],
generate_ca_cert(&cfssl_path, &cfssljson_path, ca_csr_path, path.join("ca"))?;
CfsslExecutables { cfssl: &cfssl_path, cfssljson: &cfssljson_path },
GenerateCertsSubcommand::Client { location_id, hostname, ca_cert, ca_key } => {
let client_csr_path: PathBuf = temp_dir.join(format!("client-csr-{id}.json"));
debug!("Generating '{}'...", client_csr_path.display());
"client CSR config",
CfsslClientServerCsr {
cn: location_id.clone(),
hosts: vec![hostname.clone()],
key: CfsslCsrKey { algo: "rsa".into(), size: 4096 },
names: vec![HashMap::from([("".into(), "".into())])],
if !ca_cert.exists() {
return Err(Error::CaCertNotFound { path: ca_cert.clone() });
if !ca_cert.is_file() {
return Err(Error::CaCertNotAFile { path: ca_cert.clone() });
if !ca_key.exists() {
return Err(Error::CaKeyNotFound { path: ca_cert.clone() });
if !ca_key.is_file() {
return Err(Error::CaKeyNotAFile { path: ca_cert.clone() });
let certs_dir: PathBuf = temp_dir.join(format!("certs-{id}"));
if let Err(err) = fs::create_dir_all(&certs_dir) {
return Err(Error::DirCreateError { path: certs_dir, err });
CfsslExecutables { cfssl: &cfssl_path, cfssljson: &cfssljson_path },
let id_path: PathBuf = path.join("client-id.pem");
debug!("Merging certificate and key into '{}'...", id_path.display());
let mut output: File = match File::create(&id_path) {
Ok(output) => output,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::FileCreateError { what: "client identity", path: id_path, err });
let key_path: PathBuf = certs_dir.join("client-key.pem");
let mut key: File = match File::open(&key_path) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::FileOpenError { what: "client private key", path: key_path, err });
if let Err(err) = std::io::copy(&mut key, &mut output) {
return Err(Error::CopyError { source: key_path, target: id_path, err });
let cert_path: PathBuf = certs_dir.join("client.pem");
let mut cert: File = match File::open(&cert_path) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::FileOpenError { what: "client certificate", path: cert_path, err });
if let Err(err) = std::io::copy(&mut cert, &mut output) {
return Err(Error::CopyError { source: cert_path, target: id_path, err });
let out_ca_path: PathBuf = path.join("ca.pem");
debug!("Copying server CA certificate to '{}'...", out_ca_path.display());
if let Err(err) = std::fs::copy(ca_cert, &out_ca_path) {
return Err(Error::CopyError { source: ca_cert.clone(), target: out_ca_path, err });
"Successfully generated {} certificates for domain {}",
pub fn infra(
locations: Vec<Pair<String, ':', String>>,
fix_dirs: bool,
path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
names: Vec<Pair<String, '=', String>>,
reg_ports: Vec<Pair<String, '=', u16>>,
job_ports: Vec<Pair<String, '=', u16>>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: PathBuf = path.into();
info!("Generating creds.yml...");
debug!("Generating infrastructure information...");
let mut locs: HashMap<String, InfraLocation> = HashMap::with_capacity(locations.len());
for loc in locations {
locs.insert(loc.0.clone(), InfraLocation {
name: beautify_id(loc.0),
registry: Address::hostname(format!("https://{}", loc.1), 50051),
delegate: Address::hostname(format!("grpc://{}", loc.1), 50052),
for name in names {
match locs.get_mut(&name.0) {
Some(loc) => = name.1,
None => {
return Err(Error::UnknownLocation { loc: name.0 });
for port in reg_ports {
match locs.get_mut(&port.0) {
Some(loc) => *loc.registry.port_mut() = port.1,
None => {
return Err(Error::UnknownLocation { loc: port.0 });
for port in job_ports {
match locs.get_mut(&port.0) {
Some(loc) => *loc.delegate.port_mut() = port.1,
None => {
return Err(Error::UnknownLocation { loc: port.0 });
let infra: InfraFile = InfraFile::new(locs);
debug!("Writing to '{}'...", path.display());
ensure_dir_of(&path, fix_dirs)?;
let mut handle: File = match File::create(&path) {
Ok(handle) => handle,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::FileCreateError { what: "infra.yml", path, err });
if let Err(err) = write_infra_header(&mut handle) {
return Err(Error::FileHeaderWriteError { what: "infra.yml", path, err });
if let Err(err) = infra.to_writer(handle, true) {
return Err(Error::FileBodyWriteError { what: "infra.yml", path, err });
println!("Successfully generated {}", style(path.display().to_string()).bold().green());
pub fn backend(
fix_dirs: bool,
path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
capabilities: Vec<Capability>,
hash_containers: bool,
command: GenerateBackendSubcommand,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: PathBuf = path.into();
info!("Generating backend.yml for a {} backend...", command.variant());
debug!("Generating backend information...");
let backend: BackendFile = match command {
GenerateBackendSubcommand::Local { socket, client_version } => {
BackendFile {
capabilities: Some(capabilities.into_iter().collect()),
hash_containers: Some(hash_containers),
method: Credentials::Local { path: Some(socket), version:|v| (v.0.major_version, v.0.minor_version)) },
debug!("Writing to '{}'...", path.display());
ensure_dir_of(&path, fix_dirs)?;
let mut handle: File = match File::create(&path) {
Ok(handle) => handle,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::FileCreateError { what: "backend.yml", path, err });
if let Err(err) = write_backend_header(&mut handle) {
return Err(Error::FileHeaderWriteError { what: "backend.yml", path, err });
if let Err(err) = backend.to_writer(handle, true) {
return Err(Error::FileBodyWriteError { what: "backend.yml", path, err });
println!("Successfully generated {}", style(path.display().to_string()).bold().green());
pub async fn policy_database(fix_dirs: bool, path: PathBuf, branch: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("Generating policies.db at '{}'...", path.display());
debug!("Creating policy database file '{}'...", path.display());
ensure_dir_of(&path, fix_dirs)?;
if let Err(err) = File::create(&path) {
return Err(Error::FileCreateError { what: "policy database", path, err });
debug!("Retrieving up-to-date mitigations from ' ({branch})...");
let (_dir, migrations): (TempDir, FileBasedMigrations) = {
let url = format!("{branch}");
let dir = match TempDir::new() {
Ok(dir) => dir,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::TempDirError { err });
let tar_path: PathBuf = dir.path().join("repo.tar.gz");
let dir_path: PathBuf = dir.path().join("repo");
if let Err(err) = brane_shr::fs::download_file_async(&url, &tar_path, DownloadSecurity { checksum: None, https: true }, None).await {
return Err(Error::RepoDownloadError { repo: url, target: dir_path, err });
if let Err(err) = brane_shr::fs::unarchive_async(&tar_path, &dir_path).await {
return Err(Error::RepoUnpackError { tar: tar_path, target: dir_path, err });
let dir_path: PathBuf = match brane_shr::fs::recurse_in_only_child_async(&dir_path).await {
Ok(path) => path,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::RepoRecurseError { target: dir_path, err });
let migrations: FileBasedMigrations = match FileBasedMigrations::find_migrations_directory_in_path(&dir_path) {
Ok(migrations) => migrations,
Err(err) => return Err(Error::MigrationsRetrieve { path: dir_path, err }),
(dir, migrations)
debug!("Applying migrations...");
let mut conn: SqliteConnection = match SqliteConnection::establish(&path.display().to_string()) {
Ok(conn) => conn,
Err(err) => return Err(Error::DatabaseConnect { path, err }),
if let Err(err) = conn.run_pending_migrations(migrations) {
return Err(Error::MigrationsApply { path, err });
println!("Successfully generated {}", style(path.display().to_string()).bold().green());
pub fn policy_secret(fix_dirs: bool, path: PathBuf, key_id: String, key_alg: KeyAlgorithm) -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("Generating policy_secret.json at '{}'...", path.display());
debug!("Generating secret key for {key_alg}...");
let key: String = match key_alg {
KeyAlgorithm::HS256 => {
let mut key: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
OsRng.fill(&mut key);
key_alg => return Err(Error::UnsupportedKeyAlgorithm { key_alg }),
debug!("Constructing JSON Web Key Set...");
let secret: JwkSet = JwkSet {
keys: vec![Jwk {
common: jwk::CommonParameters {
public_key_use: Some(PublicKeyUse::Signature),
key_operations: None,
key_algorithm: Some(key_alg),
key_id: Some(key_id),
x509_url: None,
x509_chain: None,
x509_sha1_fingerprint: None,
x509_sha256_fingerprint: None,
algorithm: jwk::AlgorithmParameters::OctetKey(OctetKeyParameters { key_type: OctetKeyType::Octet, value: key }),
debug!("Writing secret to '{}'...", path.display());
ensure_dir_of(&path, fix_dirs)?;
let handle: File = match File::create(&path) {
Ok(handle) => handle,
Err(err) => return Err(Error::FileCreateError { what: "policy secret", path, err }),
if let Err(err) = serde_json::to_writer_pretty(handle, &secret) {
return Err(Error::FileSerializeError { what: "policy secret", path, err });
println!("Successfully generated {}", style(path.display()).bold().green());
pub fn policy_token(fix_dirs: bool, path: PathBuf, secret_path: PathBuf, initiator: String, system: String, exp: Duration) -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("Generating policy_token.json at '{}'...", path.display());
let token: String = match generate_policy_token(initiator, system, exp, secret_path) {
Ok(token) => token,
Err(err) => return Err(Error::TokenGenerate { err }),
debug!("Writing token to '{}'...", path.display());
ensure_dir_of(&path, fix_dirs)?;
if let Err(err) = fs::write(&path, token) {
return Err(Error::FileWriteError { what: "policy token", path, err });
println!("Successfully generated {}", style(path.display()).bold().green());
pub fn proxy(
fix_dirs: bool,
path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
outgoing_range: RangeInclusive<u16>,
incoming: HashMap<u16, Address>,
forward: Option<ForwardConfig>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path: PathBuf = path.into();
info!("Generating proxy.yml...");
debug!("Generating proxy information...");
let proxy: proxy::ProxyConfig = proxy::ProxyConfig { outgoing_range, incoming, forward };
debug!("Writing to '{}'...", path.display());
ensure_dir_of(&path, fix_dirs)?;
let mut handle: File = match File::create(&path) {
Ok(handle) => handle,
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::FileCreateError { what: "proxy.yml", path, err });
if let Err(err) = write_proxy_header(&mut handle) {
return Err(Error::FileHeaderWriteError { what: "proxy.yml", path, err });
if let Err(err) = proxy.to_writer(handle, true) {
return Err(Error::FileBodyWriteError { what: "proxy.yml", path, err });
println!("Successfully generated {}", style(path.display().to_string()).bold().green());