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// by Lut99
// Created:
// 28 Sep 2022, 10:33:37
// Last edited:
// 08 Feb 2024, 17:24:07
// Auto updated?
// Yes
// Description:
//! Defines Kafka network messages used by `brane-drv` <-> `brane-job`
//! <-> `brane-plr` interaction.
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value;
/***** NETWORKING *****/
/// Defines a message that carries an _unplanned_ workflow. It is destined to be intercepted by the planner.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct PlanningRequest {
/// Defines the app (=workflow) ID that matches this snippet to a global workflow.
pub app_id: String,
/// The raw workflow, as JSON, that is sent around. It may be expected that there is usually at least one task that does not have a location annotated.
/// Note that, to avoid cyclic dependency on `brane-ast`, we define it as an abstract JSON [`Value`].
pub workflow: Value,
/// Defines the reply of the planning request in the happy path.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct PlanningReply {
/// The workflow after planning.
/// Note that, to avoid cyclic dependency on `brane-ast`, we define it as an abstract JSON [`Value`].
pub plan: Value,
/// Defines the reply of the planner if a checker denied the request.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct PlanningDeniedReply {
/// The domain that denied.
pub domain: String,
/// A list of reasons given by the domain. May be empty.
pub reasons: Vec<String>,