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use brane_ast::Workflow;
use brane_exe::pc::ProgramCounter;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// ExecuteTaskRequest represents the question if it is allowed to execute a
/// certain task on this node
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ExecuteTaskRequest {
/// Some identifier that allows the policy reasoner to assume a different context.
/// Note that not any identifier is accepted. Which are depends on which plugins used.
pub use_case: String,
/// Workflow definition
pub workflow: Workflow,
/// The location of the task we're examining in the given `workflow`.
pub task_id: ProgramCounter,
/// AccessDataRequest represents the question if a certain dataset
/// can be accessed
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct AccessDataRequest {
/// Some identifier that allows the policy reasoner to assume a different context.
/// Note that not any identifier is accepted. Which are depends on which plugins used.
pub use_case: String,
/// Workflow definition
pub workflow: Workflow,
/// Identifier for the requested dataset
pub data_id: String,
/// The location of the task for which we transfer in the given `workflow`. If omitted, then this transfer should be interpreted as transferring the final result of the workflow.
pub task_id: Option<ProgramCounter>,
/// WorkflowValidationRequest represents the question
/// if a workflow as a whole is considered valid by the checker.
/// Used on the 'central' side to enforce 'central' policies
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct WorkflowValidationRequest {
/// Some identifier that allows the policy reasoner to assume a different context.
/// Note that not any identifier is accepted. Which are depends on which plugins used.
pub use_case: String,
/// Workflow definition
pub workflow: Workflow,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(tag = "verdict")]
pub enum Verdict {
// Checker says yes
#[serde(rename = "allow")]
// Checker says no
#[serde(rename = "deny")]
// DeliberationResponse represents the shared part of the the deliberation repsonses
// (Allow, Deny)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DeliberationResponse {
pub verdict_reference: String,
// DeliberationResponse represents the answer the checker came up with
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DeliberationAllowResponse {
pub shared: DeliberationResponse,
/// Signature by the checker
pub signature: String,
// DeliberationResponse represents the answer the checker came up with
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DeliberationDenyResponse {
pub shared: DeliberationResponse,
/// A optional list that contains the reasons that the request is denied.
/// Only present if the request is denied and it only contains reasons
/// the checker wants to share.
pub reasons_for_denial: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub type TaskExecResponse = DeliberationResponse;
pub type DataAccessResponse = DeliberationResponse;
pub type WorkflowValidationResponse = DeliberationResponse;
// POST /v1/deliberation/execute-task
// POST /v1/deliberation/access-data
// POST /v1/deliberation/execute-workflow