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//! Rejection response types.
use crate::__composite_rejection as composite_rejection;
use crate::__define_rejection as define_rejection;
use crate::BoxError;
composite_rejection! {
/// Rejection type for extractors that buffer the request body. Used if the
/// request body cannot be buffered due to an error.
pub enum FailedToBufferBody {
impl FailedToBufferBody {
pub(crate) fn from_err<E>(err: E) -> Self
E: Into<BoxError>,
match err.into().downcast::<http_body::LengthLimitError>() {
Ok(err) => Self::LengthLimitError(LengthLimitError::from_err(err)),
Err(err) => Self::UnknownBodyError(UnknownBodyError::from_err(err)),
define_rejection! {
#[body = "Failed to buffer the request body"]
/// Encountered some other error when buffering the body.
/// This can _only_ happen when you're using [`tower_http::limit::RequestBodyLimitLayer`] or
/// otherwise wrapping request bodies in [`http_body::Limited`].
pub struct LengthLimitError(Error);
define_rejection! {
#[status = BAD_REQUEST]
#[body = "Failed to buffer the request body"]
/// Encountered an unknown error when buffering the body.
pub struct UnknownBodyError(Error);
define_rejection! {
#[status = BAD_REQUEST]
#[body = "Request body didn't contain valid UTF-8"]
/// Rejection type used when buffering the request into a [`String`] if the
/// body doesn't contain valid UTF-8.
pub struct InvalidUtf8(Error);
composite_rejection! {
/// Rejection used for [`Bytes`](bytes::Bytes).
/// Contains one variant for each way the [`Bytes`](bytes::Bytes) extractor
/// can fail.
pub enum BytesRejection {
composite_rejection! {
/// Rejection used for [`String`].
/// Contains one variant for each way the [`String`] extractor can fail.
pub enum StringRejection {