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// by Lut99
// Created:
// 14 Feb 2022, 14:21:21
// Last edited:
// 22 May 2023, 10:23:31
// Auto updated?
// Yes
// Description:
//! Contains common definitions across all executions.
use brane_ast::DataType;
use brane_exe::FullValue;
use log::debug;
use specifications::common::Parameter;
use specifications::package::PackageKind;
use crate::errors::LetError;
/***** CONSTANTS *****/
/// The time between each heartbeat update (in ms)
/// Shouldn't be longer than the timeout of heartbeats defined in brane-drv (10 seconds at the time of writing), as brane-drv considers the branelet dead if it didn't send a heartbeat in that time.
pub const HEARTBEAT_DELAY: u64 = 5000;
/// Defines a shortcut for a map with string keys
pub type Map<T> = std::collections::HashMap<String, T>;
/***** ENUMS *****/
/// Defines the different ways a package can return.
pub enum PackageReturnState {
/// The package was forcefully stopped by some external force
Stopped { signal: i32 },
/// The package failed to execute on its own
Failed { code: i32, stdout: String, stderr: String },
/// The package completed successfully
Finished { stdout: String },
/// Defines a slightly higher level version of the PackageReturnState.
pub enum PackageResult {
/// The package was forcefully stopped by some external force
Stopped { signal: i32 },
/// The package failed to execute on its own
Failed { code: i32, stdout: String, stderr: String },
/// The package completed successfully
Finished { result: FullValue },
/***** HELPER FUNCTIONS *****/
/// Returns whether this type is allowed for the package's target type.
/// # Arguments
/// - `got`: The type we are given to use.
/// - `expected`: The type the package expected.
/// # Returns
/// Returns whether they are "the same" or not.
fn assert_type(got: &DataType, expected: &DataType) -> bool {
match (got, expected) {
// Specific cases
(DataType::String, DataType::Data) => true,
(DataType::String, DataType::IntermediateResult) => true,
// Recursive cases
(DataType::Array { elem_type: got }, DataType::Array { elem_type: expected }) => assert_type(got, expected),
// General cases
(DataType::Any, _) => true,
(_, DataType::Any) => true,
(got, expected) => got == expected,
/***** INITIALIZATION *****/
/// **Edited: now returning LetErrors.**
/// Tries to confirm that what we're told to put in the function is the same as the function accepts.
/// **Arguments**
/// * `parameters`: The list of what the function accepts as parameters as returned by container.yml.
/// * `arguments`: The arguments we got to pass to the function.
/// * `function`: The name of the function we're trying to evaluate (used for debugging purposes).
/// * `package`: The name of the internal package (used for debugging purposes).
/// * `kind`: The kind of the internal package (used for debugging purposes).
/// **Returns**
/// Nothing if the assert went alright, but a LetError describing why it failed on an error.
pub fn assert_input(parameters: &[Parameter], arguments: &Map<FullValue>, function: &str, package: &str, kind: PackageKind) -> Result<(), LetError> {
debug!("Asserting input arguments");
// Search through all the allowed parameters
for p in parameters {
// Get the expected type, but skip mounts(?)
let expected_type = DataType::from(p.data_type.as_str());
// Check if the user specified it
let argument = match arguments.get(& {
Some(argument) => argument,
None => {
return Err(LetError::MissingInputArgument {
function: function.to_string(),
package: package.to_string(),
// Check if the type makes sense
// Note that we make a special case for data & intermediate results, since that will be converted to a type the package is comfortable with
let actual_type = argument.data_type();
if !assert_type(&actual_type, &expected_type) {
return Err(LetError::IncompatibleTypes {
function: function.to_string(),
package: package.to_string(),
expected: expected_type,
got: actual_type,
// It all is allowed!