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// by Lut99
// Created:
// 14 Nov 2022, 09:50:29
// Last edited:
// 14 Nov 2022, 09:50:30
// Auto updated?
// Yes
// Description:
//! Implements some public interfaces & definitions for working with
//! jobs.
/// **Edited: added comments + synced with new events.**
/// Lists the possible states that a job can have from the brane-drv perspective.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum JobStatus {
// Meta states
/// Meta state for undefined states
// Creation states
/// We successfully created a container for the call
/// We could not create the container to run the call.
/// **Carries**
/// * `err`: A string describing why we failed to launch a job.
CreateFailed { err: String },
// Initialization states
/// The container is ready with setting up the branelet executable (first opportunity for branelet to send events)
/// The container has initialized its working directory
/// Something went wrong while setting up the working directory
/// **Carries**
/// * `err`: A string describing why we failed to intialize a job.
InitializeFailed { err: String },
// Progress states
/// The actual subcall executeable / script has started
/// The subprocess executable did not want to start (calling it failed)
/// **Carries**
/// * `err`: A string describing why we failed to start a job.
StartFailed { err: String },
/// The subcall executable has finished without errors - at least, from the branelet's side, that is
/// The subcall executable has finished with errors on the branelet side
/// **Carries**
/// * `err`: A string describing why we failed to complete a job.
CompleteFailed { err: String },
// Finish states
/// The container has exited with a zero status code
/// **Carries**
/// * `res`: A JSON-formatted string (hopefully) containing the value of the finished job.
Finished { res: String },
/// The container has exited with a non-zero status code
/// **Carries**
/// * `res`: A JSON-formatted string (hopefully) containing a code/stdout/stderr triplet of results of the failed job.
Failed { res: String },
/// The container was interrupted by the Job node
Stopped { signal: String },
/// We could not decode the output from the package
/// **Carries**
/// * `err`: A string describing why we failed to decode the job output.
DecodeFailed { err: String },
impl JobStatus {
/// Converts any of the states to a numeric number representing their ordering.
/// The earlier the state in a job's lifecycle, the lower the number.
/// **Returns**
/// The ordering as an unsigned integer.
pub fn order(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
JobStatus::Unknown => 0,
JobStatus::Created => 1,
JobStatus::CreateFailed { .. } => 1,
JobStatus::Ready => 2,
JobStatus::Initialized => 3,
JobStatus::InitializeFailed { .. } => 3,
JobStatus::Started => 4,
JobStatus::StartFailed { .. } => 4,
JobStatus::Completed => 5,
JobStatus::CompleteFailed { .. } => 5,
JobStatus::Finished { .. } => 6,
JobStatus::Failed { .. } => 6,
JobStatus::Stopped { .. } => 6,
JobStatus::DecodeFailed { .. } => 6,
/// Returns whether the this state is equal to or has surpassed the given state in terms of ordering.
/// In case they are equal, also requires the specific variants to be the same (not just the ordering).
/// **Arguments**
/// * `target`: The target state to check if the job has reached.
/// **Returns**
/// True if this state's ordering is equal to or higher than the target's ordering.
pub fn reached(&self, target: &JobStatus) -> bool {
std::mem::discriminant(self) == std::mem::discriminant(target) || self.order() > target.order()
impl PartialEq<&JobStatus> for JobStatus {
fn eq(&self, other: &&JobStatus) -> bool { self == *other }