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// by Lut99
// Created:
// 12 Sep 2022, 17:41:33
// Last edited:
// 12 Dec 2023, 17:20:22
// Auto updated?
// Yes
// Description:
//! Implements the VM trait, which is a simple trait for defining VMs
//! that use threads.
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use brane_ast::{SymTable, Workflow};
use specifications::profiling::ProfileScopeHandle;
use crate::errors::VmError;
use crate::spec::{CustomGlobalState, CustomLocalState, RunState, VmPlugin};
use crate::thread::Thread;
use crate::value::FullValue;
/***** LIBRARY *****/
/// Defines a common interface (and some code) for virtual machines.
pub trait Vm {
/// The type of the thread-global extension to the runtime state.
type GlobalState: CustomGlobalState;
/// The type of the thread-local extension to the runtime state.
type LocalState: CustomLocalState;
// Child-specific
/// A function that stores the given runtime state information in the parent struct.
/// This is important and will be used later.
/// # Arguments
/// - `state`: The current state of the workflow we have executed.
/// # Returns
/// Nothing, but should change the internals to return this state later upon request.
/// # Errors
/// This function may error for its own reasons.
fn store_state(this: &Arc<RwLock<Self>>, state: RunState<Self::GlobalState>) -> Result<(), VmError>;
/// A function that returns the VM's runtime state in the parent struct.
/// This is important and will be used later.
/// # Returns
/// The RunState of this application if it exists, or else None.
/// # Errors
/// This function may error for its own reasons.
fn load_state(this: &Arc<RwLock<Self>>) -> Result<RunState<Self::GlobalState>, VmError>;
// Global
/// Initializes a new global state based on the given custom part.
/// # Arguments
/// - `pindex`: The package index which we can use for resolving packages.
/// - `dindex`: The data index which we can use for resolving datasets.
/// - `custom`: The custom part of the global state with which we will initialize it.
/// # Returns
/// A new RunState instance.
fn new_state(custom: Self::GlobalState) -> RunState<Self::GlobalState> { RunState::new(Arc::new(SymTable::new()), Arc::new(RwLock::new(custom))) }
/// Runs the given workflow, possibly asynchronously (if a parallel is encountered / there are external functions calls and the given closure runs this asynchronously.)
/// # Generic arguments
/// - `P`: The "VM plugin" that will fill in the blanks with respect to interacting with the outside world.
/// # Arguments
/// - `snippet`: The snippet to compile. This is either the entire workflow, or a snippet of it. In the case of the latter, the internal state will be used (and updated).
/// - `prof`: The ProfileScope that can be used to provide additional information about the timings of the VM (framework-wise, not user-wise).
/// # Returns
/// The result if the Workflow returned any.
async fn run<P: VmPlugin<GlobalState = Self::GlobalState, LocalState = Self::LocalState>>(
this: Arc<RwLock<Self>>,
snippet: Workflow,
prof: ProfileScopeHandle<'_>,
) -> Result<FullValue, VmError>
Self: Sync,
// Fetch the previous state (if any)
let mut state: RunState<Self::GlobalState> = Self::load_state(&this)?;
// Create a new thread with (a copy of) the internal state, if any.
let main: Thread<Self::GlobalState, Self::LocalState> = Thread::from_state(&snippet, state);
// Run the workflow
match main.run_snippet::<P>(prof.into()).await {
Ok((res, state)) => {
// Convert the value into a full value (if any)
let res: FullValue = res.into_full(state.fstack.table());
// Store the state
Self::store_state(&this, state)?;
// Done, return
Err(err) => Err(err),
/***** TESTS *****/
pub mod tests {
use brane_ast::fetcher::SnippetFetcher;
use brane_ast::state::CompileState;
use brane_ast::traversals::print::ast;
use brane_ast::{CompileResult, ParserOptions, compile_snippet};
use brane_shr::utilities::{create_data_index, create_package_index, test_on_dsl_files_async};
use specifications::data::DataIndex;
use specifications::package::PackageIndex;
use super::*;
use crate::dummy::DummyVm;
/// Tests the traversal by generating symbol tables for every file.
async fn test_snippets() {
// Run the tests on all the files
test_on_dsl_files_async("BraneScript", |path, code| {
async move {
// Start by the name to always know which file this is
println!("{}", (0..80).map(|_| '-').collect::<String>());
println!("File '{}' gave us:", path.display());
// Load the package index
let pindex: PackageIndex = create_package_index();
let dindex: DataIndex = create_data_index();
// Run the program but now line-by-line (to test the snippet function)
let mut source: String = String::new();
let mut state: CompileState = CompileState::new();
let mut vm: DummyVm = DummyVm::new();
let mut iter = code.split('\n');
for (offset, l) in SnippetFetcher::new(|| Ok(|l| l.into()))) {
// Append the source (for errors only)
// Compile the workflow
let workflow: Workflow = match compile_snippet(&mut state, l.as_bytes(), &pindex, &dindex, &ParserOptions::bscript()) {
CompileResult::Workflow(wf, warns) => {
// Print warnings if any
for w in warns {
w.prettyprint(path.to_string_lossy(), &source);
CompileResult::Eof(err) => {
// Fetch more data instead
err.prettyprint(path.to_string_lossy(), &source);
panic!("Failed to compile to workflow (see output above)");
CompileResult::Err(errs) => {
// Print the errors
for e in errs {
e.prettyprint(path.to_string_lossy(), &source);
panic!("Failed to compile to workflow (see output above)");
_ => {
// Print the file itself
ast::do_traversal(&workflow, std::io::stdout()).unwrap();
println!("{}", (0..40).map(|_| "- ").collect::<String>());
// Run the VM on this snippet
vm = match vm.exec(workflow).await {
(vm, Ok(value)) => {
println!("Workflow stdout:");
println!("Workflow returned: {value:?}");
(_, Err(err)) => {
panic!("Failed to execute workflow (snippet) (see output above)");
// Increment the state offset
state.offset += offset.line;
println!("{}\n\n", (0..80).map(|_| '-').collect::<String>());