// by Lut99
// Created:
// 07 Feb 2024, 11:54:14
// Last edited:
// 06 Mar 2024, 14:03:32
// Auto updated?
// Yes
// Description:
//! Defines interface structs & constants necessary for communication
//! with the `policy-reasoner`.
use reqwest::Method;
/***** CONSTANTS *****/
/// Defines the API path to fetch the checker's current list of policies.
pub const POLICY_API_LIST_POLICIES: (Method, &str) = (Method::GET, "v1/management/policies");
/// Defines the API path to fetch the currently active version on the checker.
pub const POLICY_API_GET_ACTIVE_VERSION: (Method, &str) = (Method::GET, "v1/management/policies/active");
/// Defines the API path to update the currently active version on the checker.
pub const POLICY_API_SET_ACTIVE_VERSION: (Method, &str) = (Method::PUT, "v1/management/policies/active");
/// Defines the API path to add a new policy version to the checker.
pub const POLICY_API_ADD_VERSION: (Method, &str) = (Method::POST, "v1/management/policies");
/// Defines the API path to fetch a policy's body from a checker.
pub const POLICY_API_GET_VERSION: (Method, fn(i64) -> String) = (Method::GET, |version: i64| format!("v1/management/policies/{version}"));
/// Defines the API path to check if a workflow as a whole is permitted to be executed.
pub const DELIBERATION_API_WORKFLOW: (Method, &str) = (Method::POST, "v1/deliberation/execute-workflow");
/// Defines the API path to check if a task in a workflow is permitted to be executed.
pub const DELIBERATION_API_EXECUTE_TASK: (Method, &str) = (Method::POST, "v1/deliberation/execute-task");
/// Defines the API path to check if a dataset in a workflow is permitted to be transferred.
pub const DELIBERATION_API_TRANSFER_DATA: (Method, &str) = (Method::POST, "v1/deliberation/access-data");