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* by Lut99
* Created:
* 08 May 2022, 13:31:16
* Last edited:
* 23 May 2022, 20:50:07
* Auto updated?
* Yes
* Description:
* Implements version queriers for the Brane framework.
use std::str::FromStr;
use log::debug;
use reqwest::{Response, StatusCode};
use specifications::arch::Arch;
use specifications::version::Version;
use crate::errors::VersionError;
use crate::instance::InstanceInfo;
/***** HELPER STRUCTS *****/
/// Struct that is used in querying the local CLI.
struct LocalVersion {
/// The architecture as reported by `uname -m`
arch: Arch,
/// The version as reported by the env
version: Version,
impl LocalVersion {
/// Constructor for the RemoteVersion.
/// Queries the CARGO_PKG_VERSION environment variable for the version.
/// # Returns
/// A new LocalVersion instance on success, or else a VersionError.
fn new() -> Result<Self, VersionError> {
// Parse the env
let version = match Version::from_str(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) {
Ok(version) => version,
Err(err) => {
return Err(VersionError::VersionParseError { raw: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string(), err });
// Done, return the struct
Ok(Self { arch: Arch::HOST, version })
/// Struct that is used in querying the remote CLI.
struct RemoteVersion {
/// The architecture as reported by the remote
_arch: Arch,
/// The version as downloaded from the remote
version: Version,
impl RemoteVersion {
/// Constructor for the RemoteVersion.
/// Queries the remote host as stored in the Brane registry login file (get_config_dir()/registry.yml) for its version number.
/// # Returns
/// A new RemoteVersion instance on success, or else a VersionError.
async fn new() -> Result<Self, VersionError> {
debug!("Retrieving remote version number");
// Try to get the registry file path
debug!(" > Reading registy.yml...");
let config: InstanceInfo = match InstanceInfo::from_active_path() {
Ok(config) => config,
Err(err) => {
return Err(VersionError::InstanceInfoError { err });
// Pass to the other constructor
/// Constructor for the RemoteVersion, which creates it from a given IdentityFile.
/// # Arguments
/// - `info`: The InstanceInfo file to use to find the remote registry's properties.
/// # Returns
/// A new RemoteVersion instance on success, or else a VersionError.
async fn from_instance_info(info: InstanceInfo) -> Result<Self, VersionError> {
// Use reqwest for the API call
debug!(" > Querying...");
let mut url: String = info.api.to_string();
let response: Response = match reqwest::get(&url).await {
Ok(version) => version,
Err(err) => {
return Err(VersionError::RequestError { url, err });
if response.status() != StatusCode::OK {
return Err(VersionError::RequestFailure { url, status: response.status() });
let version_body: String = match response.text().await {
Ok(body) => body,
Err(err) => {
return Err(VersionError::RequestBodyError { url, err });
// Try to parse the version
debug!(" > Parsing remote version...");
let version = match Version::from_str(&version_body) {
Ok(version) => version,
Err(err) => {
return Err(VersionError::VersionParseError { raw: version_body, err });
// Done!
debug!("Remote version number: {}", &version);
Ok(Self { _arch: Arch::X86_64, version })
/***** HANDLERS *****/
/// Returns the local architecture (without any extra text).
pub fn handle_local_arch() -> Result<(), VersionError> {
// Get the local version and print it
println!("{}", LocalVersion::new()?.arch);
// Done
/// Returns the local version (without any extra text).
pub fn handle_local_version() -> Result<(), VersionError> {
// Get the local version and print it
println!("{}", LocalVersion::new()?.version);
// Done
/// Returns the local architecture (without any extra text).
pub async fn handle_remote_arch() -> Result<(), VersionError> {
// Get the remote version and print it
// Done
/// Returns the local version (without any extra text).
pub async fn handle_remote_version() -> Result<(), VersionError> {
// Get the remote version and print it
println!("{}", RemoteVersion::new().await?.version);
// Done
/// Returns both the local and possible remote version numbers with some pretty formatting.
pub async fn handle() -> Result<(), VersionError> {
// Get the local version first and immediately print
let local = LocalVersion::new()?;
println!("Brane CLI client");
println!(" - Version : v{}", local.version);
println!(" - Architecture : {}", local.arch);
// If the registry file exists, then also do the remote
let active_instance_exists: bool = match InstanceInfo::active_instance_exists() {
Ok(exists) => exists,
Err(err) => {
return Err(VersionError::InstanceInfoExistsError { err });
if active_instance_exists {
// Get the registry file from it
let config = match InstanceInfo::from_active_path() {
Ok(config) => config,
Err(err) => {
return Err(VersionError::InstanceInfoError { err });
// Print the URL
println!("Remote Brane instance at '{}'", &config.api);
// Get the version
let remote = RemoteVersion::from_instance_info(config).await?;
println!(" - Version : v{}", remote.version);
println!(" - Architecture : <TBD>");
// Done