use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result as FResult};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use reqwest::StatusCode;
use specifications::address::Address;
use url::Url;
pub enum RedirectError {
NoDomainName { raw: String },
IllegalUrl { raw: String, err: url::ParseError },
TlsWithNonHostnameError { kind: String },
IllegalServerName { raw: String, err: rustls::client::InvalidDnsNameError },
ListenerCreateError { address: SocketAddr, err: std::io::Error },
Socks5CreateError { address: Address, err: anyhow::Error },
Socks6CreateError { address: Address, err: anyhow::Error },
TcpStreamConnectError { address: String, err: std::io::Error },
Socks5ConnectError { address: String, proxy: Address, err: anyhow::Error },
Socks6ConnectError { address: String, proxy: Address, err: anyhow::Error },
PortInOutgoingRange { port: u16, range: RangeInclusive<u16> },
impl Display for RedirectError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FResult {
use RedirectError::*;
match self {
NoDomainName { raw } => write!(f, "No domain name found in '{raw}'"),
IllegalUrl { raw, err } => write!(f, "Failed to parse '{raw}' as a valid URL: {err}"),
TlsWithNonHostnameError { kind } => write!(f, "Got a request for TLS but with a non-hostname {kind} address provided"),
IllegalServerName { raw, err } => write!(f, "Cannot parse '{raw}' as a valid server name: {err}"),
ListenerCreateError { address, err } => write!(f, "Failed to create new TCP listener on '{address}': {err}"),
Socks5CreateError { address, err } => write!(f, "Failed to create new SOCKS5 client to '{address}': {err}"),
Socks6CreateError { address, err } => write!(f, "Failed to create new SOCKS6 client to '{address}': {err}"),
TcpStreamConnectError { address, err } => write!(f, "Failed to connect to '{address}': {err}"),
Socks5ConnectError { address, proxy, err } => write!(f, "Failed to connect to '{address}' through SOCKS5-proxy '{proxy}': {err}"),
Socks6ConnectError { address, proxy, err } => write!(f, "Failed to connect to '{address}' through SOCKS6-proxy '{proxy}': {err}"),
PortInOutgoingRange { port, range } => write!(
"Given port '{}' is within range {}-{} of the outgoing connection ports; please choose another (or choose another outgoing port \
impl Error for RedirectError {}
pub enum ClientError {
IllegalUrl { raw: String, err: url::ParseError },
UrlSchemeUpdateError { url: Url, scheme: String },
UrlHostUpdateError { url: Url, host: String, err: url::ParseError },
UrlPortUpdateError { url: Url, port: u16 },
RequestBuildError { address: String, err: reqwest::Error },
RequestError { address: String, err: reqwest::Error },
RequestFailure { address: String, code: StatusCode, err: Option<String> },
RequestTextError { address: String, err: reqwest::Error },
RequestPortParseError { address: String, raw: String, err: std::num::ParseIntError },
impl Display for ClientError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FResult {
use ClientError::*;
match self {
IllegalUrl { raw, err } => write!(f, "'{raw}' is not a valid URL: {err}"),
UrlSchemeUpdateError { url, scheme } => write!(f, "Failed to update '{url}' with new scheme '{scheme}'"),
UrlHostUpdateError { url, host, err } => write!(f, "Failed to update '{url}' with new host '{host}': {err}"),
UrlPortUpdateError { url, port } => write!(f, "Failed to update '{url}' with new port '{port}'"),
RequestBuildError { address, err } => write!(f, "Failed to build a request to '{address}': {err}"),
RequestError { address, err } => write!(f, "Failed to send request to '{address}': {err}"),
RequestFailure { address, code, err } => write!(
"Request to '{}' failed with status code {} ({}){}",
if let Some(err) = err { format!(": {err}") } else { String::new() }
RequestTextError { address, err } => write!(f, "Failed to get body of response from '{address}' as plain text: {err}"),
RequestPortParseError { address, raw, err } => write!(f, "Failed to parse '{raw}' received from '{address}' as a port number: {err}"),
impl Error for ClientError {}