use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use ::policy::{Context, PolicyDataAccess, PolicyDataError};
use audit_logger::AuditLogger;
use auth_resolver::{AuthContext, AuthResolver};
use error_trace::trace;
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use reasonerconn::ReasonerConnector;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use state_resolver::StateResolver;
use tokio::signal::unix::{Signal, SignalKind, signal};
use warp::Filter;
use warp::reject::Rejection;
use warp::reply::Reply;
use crate::problem::Problem;
pub mod deliberation;
pub mod models;
pub mod policy;
pub mod problem;
pub mod reasoner_conn_ctx;
async fn graceful_signal() {
let term_handler: Option<Signal> = match signal(SignalKind::terminate()) {
Ok(handler) => Some(handler),
Err(err) => {
error!("{}", trace!(("Failed to register SIGTERM signal handler"), err));
warn!("Service will NOT shutdown gracefully on SIGTERM");
let int_handler: Option<Signal> = match signal(SignalKind::interrupt()) {
Ok(handler) => Some(handler),
Err(err) => {
error!("{}", trace!(("Failed to register SIGINT signal handler"), err));
warn!("Service will NOT shutdown gracefully on SIGINT");
match (term_handler, int_handler) {
(Some(mut term), Some(mut int)) => tokio::select! {
_ = term.recv() => {
info!("Received SIGTERM, shutting down gracefully...");
_ = int.recv() => {
info!("Received SIGINT, shutting down gracefully...");
(Some(mut term), None) => {
info!("Received SIGTERM, shutting down gracefully...");
(None, Some(mut int)) => {
info!("Received SIGINT, shutting down gracefully...");
(None, None) => loop {
tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(24 * 3600)).await;
pub struct Srv<L, C, P, S, PA, DA> {
addr: SocketAddr,
logger: L,
reasonerconn: C,
policystore: P,
stateresolver: S,
pauthresolver: PA,
dauthresolver: DA,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct PingResponse {
success: bool,
ping: String,
impl<L, C, P, S, PA, DA> Srv<L, C, P, S, PA, DA>
L: 'static + AuditLogger + Send + Sync + Clone,
C: 'static + ReasonerConnector<L> + Send + Sync,
P: 'static + PolicyDataAccess + Send + Sync,
S: 'static + StateResolver + Send + Sync,
PA: 'static + AuthResolver + Send + Sync,
DA: 'static + AuthResolver + Send + Sync,
C::Context: Send + Sync + Debug + Serialize,
pub fn new(
addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>,
logger: L,
reasonerconn: C,
policystore: P,
stateresolver: S,
pauthresolver: PA,
dauthresolver: DA,
) -> Self {
Srv { addr: addr.into(), logger, reasonerconn, policystore, stateresolver, pauthresolver, dauthresolver }
fn with_self(this: Arc<Self>) -> impl Filter<Extract = (Arc<Self>,), Error = Infallible> + Clone { warp::any().map(move || this.clone()) }
pub async fn run(self) {
let addr: SocketAddr = self.addr;
let this_arc: Arc<Self> = Arc::new(self);
let ping = warp::get().and(warp::path("ping")).map(|| warp::reply::json(&PingResponse { success: true, ping: String::from("pong") }));
let policy_api = Self::policy_handlers(this_arc.clone());
let reasoner_conn_api = Self::reasoner_connector_handlers(this_arc.clone());
let deliberation_api = Self::deliberation_handlers(this_arc.clone());
let index = warp::any().and(deliberation_api.or(policy_api).or(reasoner_conn_api).or(ping)).recover(|err: Rejection| async move {
debug!("err: {:?}", err);
let res: Result<Box<dyn Reply>, Rejection> = if let Some(auth_resolver::AuthResolverError { .. }) = err.find() {
Ok(Box::new(warp::reply::with_status(warp::reply::reply(), warp::http::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED)))
} else if let Some(audit_logger::Error::CouldNotDeliver { .. }) = err.find() {
Ok(Box::new(warp::reply::with_status(warp::reply::reply(), warp::http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)))
} else if let Some(problem) = err.find::<Problem>() {
Ok(Box::new(warp::reply::with_status(warp::reply::json(&problem.0), problem.0.status.unwrap())))
} else {
debug!("Got err: {:?}", err);
let ctx_hash = C::hash();
match this_arc.clone().logger.log_reasoner_context::<C>().await {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(err) => panic!("Failed to log reasoner context on startup {:?}", err),
if let Ok(v) = this_arc.policystore.get_active().await {
let t = this_arc.clone();
if v.version.reasoner_connector_context != ctx_hash {
let ap = this_arc.policystore.get_active().await.unwrap();
let result = t
.deactivate_policy(Context { initiator: "system".into() }, || async move {
.log_deactivate_policy(&AuthContext { initiator: "system".into(), system: "self".into() })
.map_err(|err| PolicyDataError::GeneralError(err.to_string()))
match result {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(err) => {
panic!("Could not deactivate policy because of changed base definition: {:?}", err);
"Deactivated policy because of changed base definition; hash changed from '{}' to '{}'",
ap.version.reasoner_connector_context, ctx_hash
let (addr, srv) = warp::serve(index).bind_with_graceful_shutdown(addr, graceful_signal());
info!("Now serving at {addr}; ready for requests");