Frame stack

source FrameStack in brane-exe/

In the previous chapters, the expression stack and the variable register were introduced. In this chapter, we will introduce the final state component of the VM: the frame stack. After this, we have enough knowledge to examine a full VM execution in the final chapter of this series.

The frame stack is a FIFO-queue, like the expression stack. However, where the expression stack acts as a scratchpad memory for computations, the frame stack's utility lies with function calls, and keeps track of which calls have been made and -more importantly- where to return to when a Return-edge is encountered. Finally, the frame stack also keeps track of the function return type (if known) for an extra type check upon returning from a function.


The frame stack is implemented as a queue of frames, which each contain information about the context of a function call. In particular, frames store three things:

  1. A reference to the function definition (in the workflow's definition table) of the called function;
  2. A list of variables (as references to variable definitions in the definition table) that are scoped to this function. When the function returns, these variables will be undeclared; and
  3. A pointer to the edge to execute after the function in question returns. Note that this points to the next edge to execute, i.e., the edge after the call itself.

Other than that, the frame stack pretty much acts as a stack for calls. A visualisation of this process is given in Figure 1.

Visualisation of frame stack operations
Figure 1: Visualisation of the frame stack operations. Elements on the stack (frames) are pushed for every call and popped for every return. Frames describe the behaviour of return in terms of return type, variable undeclaration and which address to return to. Note the address returns to the edge after the call, not the call itself.

Typing scopes

In Brane versions 3.0.0 and earlier, the frame stack had the secondary goal of maintaining which type definitions (functions, tasks, classes and variables) were currently in scope. In particular, WIR-workflows were written with a per-function definition table, which added definitions local to that function only to the current scope.

In that context, the frame stack frames included the function's definition table, along with mechanisms for resolving the stack of tables into a coherent scope. As such, in the reference implementation's code, the frame stack also provides access to all definitions of the workflow to the rest of the VM.

However, this proved to be extremely complicated in practise, and is phased out in versions later than 3.0.0. Now, there is just a single table at the start of the workflow that contains all definitions occurring. For compatability reasons, the frame stack still contains a pointer to that table and provides access to it in the codebase.


In the next chapter, all three separate VM components (expression stack, variable register and frame stack) are used to showcase an example execution for the VM. That will conclude this series of chapters.

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