Crate specifications

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The specifications crate defines not just public interfaces and structs, but parts of the specification that are “extra-Rust”; e.g., things that relate to command-line parameters, file layouts, network messages, etc.


  • Defines the Address struct, which does something similar to the Url struct in the url crate, except that it’s much more lenient towards defining URL schemes or not. Moreover, it does not contain any paths.
  • Defines interface structs & constants necessary for communication with the policy-reasoner.
  • Defines project-wide structs and interfaces for dealing with data registries and datasets.
  • Defines the prost messages for interacting with the driver.
  • Implements a OS-string enum that allows us to communicate operating system (types) to/from users.
  • Defines the package.yml file and related structs.
  • Defines Kafka network messages used by brane-drv <-> brane-job <-> brane-plr interaction.
  • Implements some cross-service specification for how to deal with policy secrets.
  • A second version of the profiling library, with better support for generate dynamic yet pretty and (most of all) ordered profiling logs.
  • Defines networks structs for communicating with the (local) registry.
  • Implements a new Version struct, which is like semver’s Version but with
  • Contains prost messages for interacting with the job service / worker.