Crate overview

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Welcome to the Brane code documentation!

On this page, you can find the auto-generated docs from Cargo Docs. More high-level documentation can be found at

The current instance of this documentation is generated for Linux (x86-64), Brane version 3.0.0.

§Crate structure

The crates part of this project can be found in the sidebar on the left.


  • overview: This crate, acting as an entrypoint to the documentation only.


  • brane-cli (named brane in the docs): The brane CLI tool, which is used by the end users of the framework (scientists and software engineers) to interact with Brane instances.
  • brane-ctl (named branectl in the docs): The branectl CTL tool, which is used by system administrators to manage a Brane node.
  • brane-cc (named branec in the docs): The branec compiler that can compile BraneScript to the WIR (see the docs).
  • brane-let (named branelet in the docs): The branelet delegate executable that runs in Brane containers.

Shared libraries:

  • brane-cli-c: Provides C/C++ bindings to the Brane-client part of the brane-cli crate.


  • brane-drv: Implements the driver service in a Brane instance, which acts as the entrypoint and the VM executing WIR-workflows.
  • brane-plr: Implements the planner service in a Brane instance, which gets incomplete workflows from the driver and turns them into executable plans.
  • brane-api: Implement the global registry service in a Brane instance, which can be used by clients and other services to query global information of the instance.
  • brane-job: Implements the worker service in a Brane instance, which takes events emitted by the driver and executes them on the local domain where it is running.
  • brane-reg: Implements the local registry service in a Brane instance, which can be used by other services to query domain-local information of the instance.
  • brane-prx: Implement the proxy service in a Brane instance, which interface with the BFC Framework and can route traffic through proxies as it travels between nodes.
  • brane-log: Unused, but used to implement a lister on Kafka channels to log events.


  • brane-tsk: Implements shared code used by the Brane VM plugins.
  • brane-exe: Implements the Brane VM that executes WIR workflows.
  • brane-ast: Defines the WIR and compiles from BraneScript to the WIR.
  • brane-dsl: Defines the BraneScript AST and a parser/scanner for parsing text to it.
  • brane-cfg: Defines configuration files (and related helpers) used by the various services and created/manipulated by brane-ctl.
  • specifications: Defines the “Brane interface”, i.e., network structs, non-config file layouts (mostly relating to user-facing files) and outward-facing traits and enums. Also contains legacy definitions for the old workflow representation.
  • brane-shr: Defines common utilities and functions that aren’t really covered by brane-cfg or specifications.
  • brane-oas: Unused, but used to implement a parser for the Open API specification language.

Graveyard Brane also has some projects that either did not make it, were abandoned, or were replaced. Below a non-exhaustive list of those projects and what was the last version in which they were developed.

  • brane-oas: An Openapi specification crate for Brane. Removed after v3.0.0