Crate diesel_derives



  • Declare a sql function for use in your code.
  • A legacy version of define_sql_function!.
  • Specifies that a table exists, and what columns it has. This will create a new public module, with the same name, as the name of the table. In this module, you will find a unit struct named table, and a unit struct with the name of each column.

Attribute Macros§

  • Automatically annotates return type of a query fragment function

Derive Macros§

  • Implements AsChangeset
  • Implements all required variants of AsExpression
  • Implement required traits for the associations API
  • Implement numeric operators for the current query node
  • Implements Queryable for types that correspond to a single SQL type. The type must implement FromSql.
  • Implements Identifiable for references of the current type
  • Implements Insertable
  • This derives implements diesel::Connection and related traits for an enum of connections to different databases.
  • Implements QueryId
  • Implements Queryable to load the result of statically typed queries
  • Implements QueryableByName for untyped sql queries, such as that one generated by sql_query
  • Implements Selectable
  • Implement necessary traits for adding a new sql type
  • Implements ValidGrouping