Brane: A Specification

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drawing This book is still in development. Everything is currently subject to change.

This book documents the workings of the Brane framework, so it may be maintained easily by future parties or further the understanding of users who want to know exactly what they are working with. Note, however, that this book is not a code documentation, nor is it a user guide; we solely focus on its design. It can be thought of as a kind of (informal) specification of a Brane framework.

For a how to work with the framework, please check the Brane: The User Guide book: it describes how to work with Brane for all four of the framework's target roles (system engineers, policy experts, software engineers and scientists).

Code documentation is provided by the Rust automated documentation generation (cargo doc). A version generated for BRANE 2.0.0 on x86-64 machines can be found hosted here. For other versions or platforms, check the the source code itself.

To start, first head over to the Overview page, which talks about Brane in general and how this book will look like. From there, you can select topics that are most of interest.


The icons used in this book (info, warning, source) are provided by Flaticon.