First BRANE tutorial at ICT.OPEN
The first tutorial that introduced users to the BRANE framework is given at ICT.OPEN 2023, a conference aiming to bring academia and industry together. Its purpose is to have users experience the role as a software engineer and scientist in the framework, mainly to develop an understanding of how working with the framework looks like in practise.
The tutorial is written for framework version 2.0.0.
The tutorial consists of the following parts:
- 12:30-12:45: Introduction (presentation)
- 12:45-13:30: Part1: Hello, world! (guided hands-on)
- 13:30-13:45: Break
- 13:45-14:15: Part 2: A workflow for Disaster Tweets (hands-on)
- 14:15-14:30: Evaluation
The following resources are used, which are hosted on this website: