
Function aggregate

pub fn aggregate() -> impl Filter<Extract = (impl Buf,), Error = Rejection> + Copy
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Returns a Filter that matches any request and extracts a Future of an aggregated body.

The Buf may contain multiple, non-contiguous buffers. This can be more performant (by reducing copies) when receiving large bodies.


This does not have a default size limit, it would be wise to use one to prevent a overly large request from using too much memory.


use warp::{Buf, Filter};

fn full_body(mut body: impl Buf) {
    // It could have several non-contiguous slices of memory...
    while body.has_remaining() {
        println!("slice = {:?}", body.chunk());
        let cnt = body.chunk().len();

let route = warp::body::content_length_limit(1024 * 32)