
Macro impl_from_cql_value_from_method

macro_rules! impl_from_cql_value_from_method {
    ($T:ty, $convert_func:ident) => { ... };
Expand description

This macro implements FromCqlVal given a type and method of CqlValue that returns this type.

It can be useful in client code in case you have an extension trait for CqlValue and you would like to convert one of its methods into a FromCqlVal impl. The conversion method must return an Option<T>. None values will be converted to CqlValue::BadCqlType.


struct MyBytes(Vec<u8>);

trait CqlValueExt {
    fn into_my_bytes(self) -> Option<MyBytes>;

impl CqlValueExt for CqlValue {
    fn into_my_bytes(self) -> Option<MyBytes> {

impl_from_cql_value_from_method!(MyBytes, into_my_bytes);