
Module iterator

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Iterator types that you should rarely need to name


  • An Utf8CharMerger that also produces offsets and lengths, but can only iterate over slices.
  • An iterator over the Utf8Char of a string slice, and their positions.
  • Decodes UTF-8 characters from a byte iterator into Utf8Chars.
  • Converts an iterator of Utf8Char (or &Utf8Char) to an iterator of u8s.
  • An iterator over the codepoints in a str represented as Utf8Char.
  • Read or iterate over the bytes of the UTF-8 representation of a codepoint.
  • An Utf16CharMerger that also produces offsets and lengths, but can only iterate over slices.
  • An iterator over the codepoints in a str represented as Utf16Char.
  • Decodes UTF-16 characters from a u16 iterator into Utf16Chars.
  • Converts an iterator of Utf16Char (or &Utf16Char) to an iterator of u16s.
  • An iterator over the codepoints in a str represented as Utf16Char.
  • Iterate over the units of the UTF-16 representation of a codepoint.