
Module item

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Parsers working with single stream items.



  • Parses any token.
  • Succeeds only if the stream is at end of input, fails otherwise.
  • Parses a character and succeeds if the character is equal to c.
  • Extract one token and succeeds if it is not part of tokens.
  • Extract one token and succeeds if it is part of tokens.
  • Parser which just returns the current position in the stream.
  • Parses a token and succeeds depending on the result of predicate.
  • Parses a token and passes it to predicate. If predicate returns Some the parser succeeds and returns the value inside the Option. If predicate returns None the parser fails without consuming any input.
  • Parses a character and succeeds if the character is equal to c.
  • Parses multiple tokens.
  • Parses multiple tokens.
  • Always returns the value v without consuming any input.